Friday, 29 July 2011

Shoe-aholic Much???

Looking at my profile pic you'd probably have guessed that I love shoes. The quirkier the better. Ever since I was allowed to wear high heels, I let rip. "You can never have enough shoes". Those 6 words are the wise words on which I cling, to this day. It's true though, isn't it? No matter how many pairs are rammed in your wardrobe, you never stop looking at the shoe section in a shop. You just find yourself there, even when you swear to yourself that you will steer well away from the "racks of temptation". Then you see the most gorgeous pair that you simply can't go home without. And what usually makes it even better is when they're on sale. You see, me being the cheapskate that I am, I don't spend more than a tenner on my shoes (mostly!). I take pride in those pairs that cost me no more than three quid, brand new on sale from a respected shop... I kid you not. And, annoying though it is to some people, I can't help but blurt out the price of my bargains when complimented on them. Only because I'm proud of how little I paid for them. 

But anyway, there's something about the shoe that just....completes you. We all have our favourite pair of shoes, I'm sure. There's that one pair that, sort of becomes a friend, more dependable than any man. That pair promises to complete an outfit. Elongate your legs. Make your feet look nice. Make you look taller and therefore more slender. Carry you all day, even in the rain. They'll never leave you for a better looking foot. They'll make you feel good. And they'll support you all day, as long as you want them to.

Yes, the shoe is a dependable creature, if one can call it that. Yes, nice shoes and women are the perfect combo, for anyone involved. Like cake and icing, salt and fries, fish and chips, strawberries and chocolate, boats and water, Romeo and Juliet you get the picture?
So, if there are any guys reading this blog, take this entry to heart. Remember it for years to come. Buy that special someone a pair of shoes. =p

They say the way to a mans heart is food. Well, the way to a girls heart, is shoes!

Ditzy xXx

(Please note: This is just a material side of things. Shoes are not all there is to life, I'm not implying that. And shoes are definitely NOT the most important thing in a relationship. Just thought I'd better clarify before anyone thinks of me as a shallow, materialistic lemming =))

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Forbidden Words at the Gym...=S

For those that know me, it will be a tremendous shock to you that I, Ditzy Polka Dot, who loves food more than people, have joined a Gym. Yes, the place with scary machines that put a fear and nervousness in you that you didn't realize you would EVER experience. The place in which people go to lose weight and tone up, even though the only ones I have seen so far are so toned and slim, you wonder why they are even there! Yes, ok, so they want to stay the wonderful shape they are, but it is kind of.....soul destroying, to put it lightly. But hey, I take consolation in the fact that they may have been slightly on the larger side before they got where they are today...perhaps....maybe....hopefully =S.

So anyway, the first time I went was as a free guest with a friend, to try out the facilities. That was interesting. It was like the blind leading the blind. But we had a great time, even if we did make certain people feel slightly nauseous with our poor attempt at stretching. So I had finished all my water 10 minutes into our "exercising" that I had to refill my bottle. I then get this unexplainable craving for KFC. So i announce to my friend, rather loudly, that I "fancy a KFC". Well, let me tell you, THAT was a mistake of gargantuan proportions! A girl passing me (the size of a twig, might I add) gave me the dirtiest look I have ever seen! I then realize where I am and regret my choice of timing and food choice. I also realize that the mention of any takeaway foods is simply forbidden in the gym... be it KFC, Burger King, McDonalds, or Pizza Hut.

So after a tough workout at the gym, I announce rather loudly that I fancy a poached egg with spinach, wild rocket, avocado, watercress, and other leafy green rabbit food for dinner when I get home. I also look out for the girl that passed me to give her a smug look implying " I may be slightly large, but I can also eat like a rabbit, just like you love". But I can't see her, much to my dismay. So with that, I leave the gym with my head held high, and my stomach sucked in and have my dinner...

It isn't quite the salad....its a 3 piece variety meal from KFC.....but don't worry, I had coleslaw!

Ditzy Polka Dot xXx